Social media is the in thing today. While many companies have been using social media as an effective tool for online marketing, many were not familiar with the idea and hence, have not been using them for online marketing efforts.
Social Media For Online Marketing
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have been used for long as platforms for getting across to friends and family members, colleagues and acquaintances spread across the world. Today, one can find out long lost friends and colleagues with the help of such sites as most of the world is registered in any of these two sites. But as an online marketing tool? That is how the companies are making money through these sites and paying a lump sum to them as well.
Free Services Of Facebook And Twitter
While many companies post paid ads on such social media sites, treating them as any other website that gets high online traffic, there are many ways of reaching one's target audience through these sites for free. When you set about selling a product or service, the first part of your marketing campaign needs to focus on creating awareness. And how do you do that? Start with the base of people that you know. Paste a link on the Facebook page of your profile and let your family members and friends see what you are selling or trying to promote. Again, you could form a different account on these sites especially for the brand that you are trying to promote in order to separate the business from the personal front.
Groups On Social Media Sites
There is an option to form groups or communities in the social media sites. Thus, one can create a separate account for an event, product or service and then seek participation or inform those who are likely to be interested in such a page. You can then ask them to promote the link of your brand on their social media sites so that their friends and acquaintances get to know about it. In such a way, one can build on their followers and audience. Those who are interested in the brand, products, service, event or idea will seek out queries and actively participate in the updates and events that are posted. One needs to zero in on the target audience in such a way.
Find The Conversion Rate
There are many marketing tools and techniques by which one can estimate how many of the followers on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are ultimately landing up at your official site or are finally making a purchase, taking up a service, attending an event and so forth. The conversion rate will help one to understand the effectiveness of the social media marketing tool. There are even ways of making the response even better and increasing the size of target audience.
About The Author: Matt Anton is the author of this piece and one will find several of his articles on related finance topics written for websites like paymentsavvy.com.
Did you like this article? Please let me know by leaving me your valued comments.
Would you like to guest post on the blog? Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch if you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
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Social Media Marketing: Are You Effective Or Obnoxious?
Engaging Consumers Through Social Media
Social Media Day Meet-ups: How Can They Work For You
5 Do's And 5 Don'ts In Social Media
Building Your Business With Social Media
The 10 Basic Rules Of Social Media Marketing
Top 14 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing
How To Use Facebook For Your Small Business
9 Tips For More Effective Facebook Marketing
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You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post on Wednesday on how comment marketing will benefit your online rating, have a fabulous week!
© 2013. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.
Social Media For Online Marketing
Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have been used for long as platforms for getting across to friends and family members, colleagues and acquaintances spread across the world. Today, one can find out long lost friends and colleagues with the help of such sites as most of the world is registered in any of these two sites. But as an online marketing tool? That is how the companies are making money through these sites and paying a lump sum to them as well.
Free Services Of Facebook And Twitter
While many companies post paid ads on such social media sites, treating them as any other website that gets high online traffic, there are many ways of reaching one's target audience through these sites for free. When you set about selling a product or service, the first part of your marketing campaign needs to focus on creating awareness. And how do you do that? Start with the base of people that you know. Paste a link on the Facebook page of your profile and let your family members and friends see what you are selling or trying to promote. Again, you could form a different account on these sites especially for the brand that you are trying to promote in order to separate the business from the personal front.
Groups On Social Media Sites
There is an option to form groups or communities in the social media sites. Thus, one can create a separate account for an event, product or service and then seek participation or inform those who are likely to be interested in such a page. You can then ask them to promote the link of your brand on their social media sites so that their friends and acquaintances get to know about it. In such a way, one can build on their followers and audience. Those who are interested in the brand, products, service, event or idea will seek out queries and actively participate in the updates and events that are posted. One needs to zero in on the target audience in such a way.
Find The Conversion Rate
There are many marketing tools and techniques by which one can estimate how many of the followers on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter are ultimately landing up at your official site or are finally making a purchase, taking up a service, attending an event and so forth. The conversion rate will help one to understand the effectiveness of the social media marketing tool. There are even ways of making the response even better and increasing the size of target audience.
About The Author: Matt Anton is the author of this piece and one will find several of his articles on related finance topics written for websites like paymentsavvy.com.
Did you like this article? Please let me know by leaving me your valued comments.
Would you like to guest post on the blog? Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch if you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Related articles:
Traditional Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing For Beginners
5 Tips On Reaching Out To More Social Media Users
How To Expose Your Business With Social Media
Social Media Marketing: Are You Effective Or Obnoxious?
Engaging Consumers Through Social Media
Social Media Day Meet-ups: How Can They Work For You
5 Do's And 5 Don'ts In Social Media
Building Your Business With Social Media
The 10 Basic Rules Of Social Media Marketing
Top 14 Benefits Of Social Media Marketing
How To Use Facebook For Your Small Business
9 Tips For More Effective Facebook Marketing
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As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post on Wednesday on how comment marketing will benefit your online rating, have a fabulous week!
© 2013. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.
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