I hope you all enjoyed part one (You Do WHAT For A Living?) and part two (Handling Objections) of this three-part series on Social Media Management and Consulting by Dawn Sievers. In this third and final instalment, Dawn will be explaining how to market yourself in this growing niche.
Although this is the final instalment, Dawn and I have been in discussion about extending the series, given the huge response this three-part series has had. I'm happy to inform you that Dawn has kindly agreed to write more articles on this subject and these new articles will be available on the blog in the coming months. Until then, enjoy this final instalment and thank you for the support that you have shown Dawn. To learn more about Dawn's technical, creative, editing, blogging and social media management writing services, visit her website at
Social Media Management Part 3: Getting The Word Out
This third and final installment in this series on social media management focuses on how to market yourself. You've done your due diligence with learning your craft. You can schedule posts on Facebook, Twitter and other social media formats with the best of them. You can whip up content for blogs in various industries. All good, solid skills to have, but they'll get you nowhere unless you can effectively market yourself.
Common sense applies here. Get some business cards designed and printed. Keep them in your pocket or purse and have back-ups in your car. You'd be surprised how often you'll be having a random conversation with someone and they ask for your business card, so be prepared! Having a website is expected these days, but I'll be honest and tell you that I didn't have one for a while. I do have one now, but I don't find that it's the primary driver of interest and the most common avenue people use to find me. I have a Facebook Fan Page and I'm a member of LinkedIn.com. In addition, I have a lot of visibility from my personal blog, which actually doesn't really represent my social media consulting beyond the fact that it demonstrates my ability to navigate my way around a blogging format. If you're so inclined, you can also create brochures and/or flyers about your services. Brevity is best here - keep it to the point with clean, easy to read fonts and informative content. Remember, if you're doing ancillary marketing pieces like pamphlets and brochures to include your contact information! Yes, I can honestly tell you I've been given brochures by many a business person that didn't have contact information included anywhere on the brochure. It's all in the small details, people!
But I'm getting ahead of myself. First and foremost, whether you like it or not, whether you want to hear it or not, networking is key to building clientele. Social media management in particular is still such a new concept that it requires some explanation and offering examples to prospective clients. That's best done in an in person setting such as networking groups and events. So, the obvious question is, where do I start?
I mentioned LinkedIn.com above and that is a very good starting point. There are endless networking groups within the auspices of the LinkedIn.com website, and if you don't find what you're looking for, you can create your own group focused on your own goals. Here in the U.S., we also have BNI groups everywhere (Business Networking International) and you'll find many local chapters in your local area by going to the BNI website and typing in your search info. These groups usually meet weekly, very early in the morning around 7:30 am or 8:00 am, and they're very focused. The goal is to help one another with growing your respective businesses by providing referrals and to get through the meeting quickly so as to allow everyone to get back out and into the business day. There is a yearly membership fee that's somewhat hefty and a monthly fee, so I suggest calling some local BNI chapters and asking if you can come as a guest. Do this at a couple of different BNI chapters to get a feeling of the personality of each group, then decide if that type of networking group best suits your marketing needs. Many people sign up to become substitute presenters for chapter members who need to be absent for their weekly BNI group meeting; this is a good way to circulate amongst several BNI groups and do your own networking during the mingling period before and after the official meeting.
Another option to explore is Meetup.com. This is a website that allows you to find other groups of people focused on similar goals. Similar to LinkedIn.com, you can create your own new group and focus if you do not find what you're looking for.
My advice is to attend two to three networking functions each week to get yourself plugged into your local area. There are a surprising number of weekly functions - some are free, some require a nominal fee - ranging from informal to formal. I'll be very blunt with this next suggestion: dress and behave professionally! Most networking events are business casual in attire, and some of these functions do provide alcoholic beverages. Personally, I advise against imbibing alcohol when your goal is to present yourself as a business professional. So, dress professionally and behave professionally. Be cordial and friendly.
It is a smart idea to sit down before you attend a single networking event and write out a very brief, concise biography blurb about yourself and your business. Come up with a clear tagline and find a way to work it into that blurb. Practice saying this blurb in a polished, unhurried fashion but challenge yourself to get it all said within a three minute time frame. I suggest this because many of the networking groups you'll attend have a very clear format and oftentimes, someone is sitting with a stopwatch to time your presentation. You'll be asked to stand up in front of that group and pitch your presentation to them within a specifically allotted number of minutes. This has a dual purpose, with the first being to help you stay focused and the second being to keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion.
So, as boring as it sounds, take time to write that presentation down, then practice it. Time yourself if you need to, or ask someone to sit with a stopwatch while you practice. You'll quickly adopt a rhythm that suits you and your business pitch, and as tiresome as it sounds, the more you practice, the more comfortable you will be with this presentation. Remember to smile, remember to breathe and resist the urge to ramble or throw in "umm" when you're nervous.
Most importantly, enjoy yourself! Everyone who attends networking functions is there for a common purpose and that is to grow their clientele. I make a point of offering a firm handshake and I jot a few personal notes on the backs of business cards to prompt my memory when I get home after that function. When I do get home, before I do anything else, I sit down at my computer and I follow up with the people I've met at a given networking function. I email them, I look them up on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.com and any other social media forums that we've discussed at that event and send Friend Requests (Facebook, Twitter) or a Request to Connect (LinkedIn). I do my best to schedule at least one follow up meeting per week - something as simple as meeting for coffee to sit down and learn more about that person. Following up in a professional manner is crucial to imparting a good impression and guaranteeing that when someone mentions social media, that person you met at that networking function will suggest your name as a point of contact.
Networking is key. It can be wearing over time, yes, but it is the most productive use of your time when you're getting a new business enterprise up and running. Once you feel you've acquired a good number of clients, don't feel that you can stop the networking activity. Yes, you can possibly scale back on the number of events you attend, but I suggest continuing to keep your name and your face visible. People quickly forget you unless they see and speak to you on a regular basis.
Have you noticed that I have NOT talked about regular media advertising such as newspapers and television? That's because I don't use either. For social media in particular, it is a smart move to put your energy and time into that very world. People who are looking for your skills and services are not likely to look for you in the Yellow Pages or the local newspaper. They're more likely to be looking for you at those local networking groups and functions, and they're going to be looking for you online on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.com. Optimize your time, work smart and network in a professional manner. Be patient, because you'll rarely land clients in a short time period. Repetition will become your friend, both with your presentation skills and with just being that familiar face at those events.
Networking and word of mouth are synonymous, so remember to always put your best foot forward. Social media management is an exciting new niche market and I believe that those of us working in this medium have only scratched the surface regarding growth potential. If you've decided, after reading this series, to pursue social media management, good luck! It's a wide open world out there for you to create a lucrative career.
About Dawn: S. Dawn Sievers is a Freelance Technical and Creative Writer, Editor and Blogger, founder of Facebook group Authentic Blogger, and Social Media Management Consultant to a wide range of industries and corporations. To learn more about her technical, creative, editing, blogging and social media management writing services, visit her website at http://www.sdawnsieverswritingservices.com.
Additionally, you can follow Dawn's personal blog, Healing Morning at http://healingmorning.blogspot.com. You can also find her on Twitter at
Do you like this guest post by Dawn Sievers? Please show Dawn your support by leaving her your valued comments.
Previous articles:
Social Media Management Part 1: You Do WHAT For A Living?
Social Media Management Part 2: Handling Objections
Would you like to guest post on the blog? Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch if you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
If you found this or any of my other posts helpful, don't forget to +1 or share the posts to your favourite networks using the toolbar below or by using the "+1" and "Share" buttons located at the bottom of each post.
As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post, have a wonderful weekend!
© 2012 Dawn Sievers. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.
Although this is the final instalment, Dawn and I have been in discussion about extending the series, given the huge response this three-part series has had. I'm happy to inform you that Dawn has kindly agreed to write more articles on this subject and these new articles will be available on the blog in the coming months. Until then, enjoy this final instalment and thank you for the support that you have shown Dawn. To learn more about Dawn's technical, creative, editing, blogging and social media management writing services, visit her website at
Social Media Management Part 3: Getting The Word Out
This third and final installment in this series on social media management focuses on how to market yourself. You've done your due diligence with learning your craft. You can schedule posts on Facebook, Twitter and other social media formats with the best of them. You can whip up content for blogs in various industries. All good, solid skills to have, but they'll get you nowhere unless you can effectively market yourself.
Common sense applies here. Get some business cards designed and printed. Keep them in your pocket or purse and have back-ups in your car. You'd be surprised how often you'll be having a random conversation with someone and they ask for your business card, so be prepared! Having a website is expected these days, but I'll be honest and tell you that I didn't have one for a while. I do have one now, but I don't find that it's the primary driver of interest and the most common avenue people use to find me. I have a Facebook Fan Page and I'm a member of LinkedIn.com. In addition, I have a lot of visibility from my personal blog, which actually doesn't really represent my social media consulting beyond the fact that it demonstrates my ability to navigate my way around a blogging format. If you're so inclined, you can also create brochures and/or flyers about your services. Brevity is best here - keep it to the point with clean, easy to read fonts and informative content. Remember, if you're doing ancillary marketing pieces like pamphlets and brochures to include your contact information! Yes, I can honestly tell you I've been given brochures by many a business person that didn't have contact information included anywhere on the brochure. It's all in the small details, people!
But I'm getting ahead of myself. First and foremost, whether you like it or not, whether you want to hear it or not, networking is key to building clientele. Social media management in particular is still such a new concept that it requires some explanation and offering examples to prospective clients. That's best done in an in person setting such as networking groups and events. So, the obvious question is, where do I start?
I mentioned LinkedIn.com above and that is a very good starting point. There are endless networking groups within the auspices of the LinkedIn.com website, and if you don't find what you're looking for, you can create your own group focused on your own goals. Here in the U.S., we also have BNI groups everywhere (Business Networking International) and you'll find many local chapters in your local area by going to the BNI website and typing in your search info. These groups usually meet weekly, very early in the morning around 7:30 am or 8:00 am, and they're very focused. The goal is to help one another with growing your respective businesses by providing referrals and to get through the meeting quickly so as to allow everyone to get back out and into the business day. There is a yearly membership fee that's somewhat hefty and a monthly fee, so I suggest calling some local BNI chapters and asking if you can come as a guest. Do this at a couple of different BNI chapters to get a feeling of the personality of each group, then decide if that type of networking group best suits your marketing needs. Many people sign up to become substitute presenters for chapter members who need to be absent for their weekly BNI group meeting; this is a good way to circulate amongst several BNI groups and do your own networking during the mingling period before and after the official meeting.
Another option to explore is Meetup.com. This is a website that allows you to find other groups of people focused on similar goals. Similar to LinkedIn.com, you can create your own new group and focus if you do not find what you're looking for.
My advice is to attend two to three networking functions each week to get yourself plugged into your local area. There are a surprising number of weekly functions - some are free, some require a nominal fee - ranging from informal to formal. I'll be very blunt with this next suggestion: dress and behave professionally! Most networking events are business casual in attire, and some of these functions do provide alcoholic beverages. Personally, I advise against imbibing alcohol when your goal is to present yourself as a business professional. So, dress professionally and behave professionally. Be cordial and friendly.
It is a smart idea to sit down before you attend a single networking event and write out a very brief, concise biography blurb about yourself and your business. Come up with a clear tagline and find a way to work it into that blurb. Practice saying this blurb in a polished, unhurried fashion but challenge yourself to get it all said within a three minute time frame. I suggest this because many of the networking groups you'll attend have a very clear format and oftentimes, someone is sitting with a stopwatch to time your presentation. You'll be asked to stand up in front of that group and pitch your presentation to them within a specifically allotted number of minutes. This has a dual purpose, with the first being to help you stay focused and the second being to keep the meeting moving in a timely fashion.
So, as boring as it sounds, take time to write that presentation down, then practice it. Time yourself if you need to, or ask someone to sit with a stopwatch while you practice. You'll quickly adopt a rhythm that suits you and your business pitch, and as tiresome as it sounds, the more you practice, the more comfortable you will be with this presentation. Remember to smile, remember to breathe and resist the urge to ramble or throw in "umm" when you're nervous.
Most importantly, enjoy yourself! Everyone who attends networking functions is there for a common purpose and that is to grow their clientele. I make a point of offering a firm handshake and I jot a few personal notes on the backs of business cards to prompt my memory when I get home after that function. When I do get home, before I do anything else, I sit down at my computer and I follow up with the people I've met at a given networking function. I email them, I look them up on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.com and any other social media forums that we've discussed at that event and send Friend Requests (Facebook, Twitter) or a Request to Connect (LinkedIn). I do my best to schedule at least one follow up meeting per week - something as simple as meeting for coffee to sit down and learn more about that person. Following up in a professional manner is crucial to imparting a good impression and guaranteeing that when someone mentions social media, that person you met at that networking function will suggest your name as a point of contact.
Networking is key. It can be wearing over time, yes, but it is the most productive use of your time when you're getting a new business enterprise up and running. Once you feel you've acquired a good number of clients, don't feel that you can stop the networking activity. Yes, you can possibly scale back on the number of events you attend, but I suggest continuing to keep your name and your face visible. People quickly forget you unless they see and speak to you on a regular basis.
Have you noticed that I have NOT talked about regular media advertising such as newspapers and television? That's because I don't use either. For social media in particular, it is a smart move to put your energy and time into that very world. People who are looking for your skills and services are not likely to look for you in the Yellow Pages or the local newspaper. They're more likely to be looking for you at those local networking groups and functions, and they're going to be looking for you online on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.com. Optimize your time, work smart and network in a professional manner. Be patient, because you'll rarely land clients in a short time period. Repetition will become your friend, both with your presentation skills and with just being that familiar face at those events.
Networking and word of mouth are synonymous, so remember to always put your best foot forward. Social media management is an exciting new niche market and I believe that those of us working in this medium have only scratched the surface regarding growth potential. If you've decided, after reading this series, to pursue social media management, good luck! It's a wide open world out there for you to create a lucrative career.
About Dawn: S. Dawn Sievers is a Freelance Technical and Creative Writer, Editor and Blogger, founder of Facebook group Authentic Blogger, and Social Media Management Consultant to a wide range of industries and corporations. To learn more about her technical, creative, editing, blogging and social media management writing services, visit her website at http://www.sdawnsieverswritingservices.com.
Additionally, you can follow Dawn's personal blog, Healing Morning at http://healingmorning.blogspot.com. You can also find her on Twitter at
Do you like this guest post by Dawn Sievers? Please show Dawn your support by leaving her your valued comments.
Previous articles:
Social Media Management Part 1: You Do WHAT For A Living?
Social Media Management Part 2: Handling Objections
Would you like to guest post on the blog? Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch if you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
If you found this or any of my other posts helpful, don't forget to +1 or share the posts to your favourite networks using the toolbar below or by using the "+1" and "Share" buttons located at the bottom of each post.
As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post, have a wonderful weekend!
© 2012 Dawn Sievers. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.