Some new business owners use a great deal of time and energy choosing the perfect product to sell and getting it up online, and then think that they are finished. Although it may be tempting to sit back, relax, and wait for the money to start pouring into your bank account, unfortunately business usually doesn't work that way.
You'll need to start marketing yourself online to attract new customers and retain them. By turning first-time buyers into repeat clients, you'll grow your business and start making real money. There are three main steps to take that will help you start building a stronger online presence.
Let The World Know Who You Are
Don't be afraid to show your personality. It's important to remember that even if you sell the most obscure niche product available, you'll still have stiff competition. For every website that sells fondue pots there will be a dozen more, so you want to make your website more enjoyable to visit than the others. You can think of your business as a brick and mortar shop, simply run from an ecommerce platform. To this end, you can hold contests, promotional events, and special sales to draw in customers.
Using the best ecommerce software will help you manage your content more easily, so that you can keep a blog and let your customers know who you are. This can also draw attention to your products while sparking conversations with visitors. Make your website a place where people will want to virtually hang out.
Use Social Media Tools Wisely
Most business guides and online articles urge small business owners to promote their services using social media. This can certainly be a good way to reach out to customers and retain them, but it's important to avoid spamming your customer base and risk alienating them. For example, consumers are turned off when they receive friend requests from business profiles that they don't recognize. By sticking to current contacts at first, you can focus on providing fun and engaging content and let customers come to you. When using Twitter, be sure to broadcast links to interesting information rather than dry facts about services. In general, if you are using your creativity and having fun with social media, your customers will have fun too.
Simplicity Is Key
Rather than trying every marketing strategy that you can think of all at once, it's best to choose a few and stick to them. Every strategy takes some time to work, so it's better to give your bid for new customers a focused, sensible approach. Don't forget to pay attention to your ecommerce website. Smooth navigation is important, to ensure that your customers can find what they are looking for and buy it without fuss. Online shopping is all about simplicity and convenience.
By approaching online marketing with a thoughtful approach, you can roll out your plan in stages rather than blitzing customers with everything all at once. Remember that it takes time for any new business to grow, and the most important factor is stay consistent with your brand.
Did you find this article helpful? Please let me know by leaving your valued comments below.
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Top 25 Small Business Tips
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Until my next post, have a fabulous week...enjoy the London 2012 Olympic Games. :)
You'll need to start marketing yourself online to attract new customers and retain them. By turning first-time buyers into repeat clients, you'll grow your business and start making real money. There are three main steps to take that will help you start building a stronger online presence.
Let The World Know Who You Are
Don't be afraid to show your personality. It's important to remember that even if you sell the most obscure niche product available, you'll still have stiff competition. For every website that sells fondue pots there will be a dozen more, so you want to make your website more enjoyable to visit than the others. You can think of your business as a brick and mortar shop, simply run from an ecommerce platform. To this end, you can hold contests, promotional events, and special sales to draw in customers.
Using the best ecommerce software will help you manage your content more easily, so that you can keep a blog and let your customers know who you are. This can also draw attention to your products while sparking conversations with visitors. Make your website a place where people will want to virtually hang out.
Use Social Media Tools Wisely
Most business guides and online articles urge small business owners to promote their services using social media. This can certainly be a good way to reach out to customers and retain them, but it's important to avoid spamming your customer base and risk alienating them. For example, consumers are turned off when they receive friend requests from business profiles that they don't recognize. By sticking to current contacts at first, you can focus on providing fun and engaging content and let customers come to you. When using Twitter, be sure to broadcast links to interesting information rather than dry facts about services. In general, if you are using your creativity and having fun with social media, your customers will have fun too.
Simplicity Is Key
Rather than trying every marketing strategy that you can think of all at once, it's best to choose a few and stick to them. Every strategy takes some time to work, so it's better to give your bid for new customers a focused, sensible approach. Don't forget to pay attention to your ecommerce website. Smooth navigation is important, to ensure that your customers can find what they are looking for and buy it without fuss. Online shopping is all about simplicity and convenience.
By approaching online marketing with a thoughtful approach, you can roll out your plan in stages rather than blitzing customers with everything all at once. Remember that it takes time for any new business to grow, and the most important factor is stay consistent with your brand.
Did you find this article helpful? Please let me know by leaving your valued comments below.
Related articles:
Legal Issues For Setting Up A Business
Do You Love Your Business?
Top 25 Small Business Tips
If you found this or any of my other posts helpful, don't forget to +1 or share the posts to your favourite networks using the toolbar below or by using the "+1" and "Share" buttons located at the bottom of each post.
As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post, have a fabulous week...enjoy the London 2012 Olympic Games. :)