Brands have been with us for a long time, even before Mr Kellogg came up with his cornflakes. A brand says something about a company and their values as well as their product. Brands are important because they are a means of identification, a good brand is what makes a particular product stand out from the crowd and inspire customer loyalty. How do we develop a brand, and how do people distinguish one brand from another?
Brand Recognition
Most companies and some sole traders hire someone to help them develop a brand. In the first instance a brand is recognisable by its logo, letter head and name. While logo etc is an important part of brand development, they only make sense when they are allied to the real values of a company.
Logos only become memorable and recognisable when a client associates that logo with value, good customer service and consistency. How people feel about your brand when they see it in the shops or in an advertisement is a very important part of brand recognition. Customers view a brand's consistency as its promise of value and in delivering what the client needs.
The look and taste or feel of your brand, not only says something about you and your company, it also says something about the people who use it - why else would advertisements for certain products present the user as famous, stylish or knowledgeable?
Building a Brand
Building a brand takes time, money and hard work. You want your brand to have a good position within its particular field, and the way you do that is to appeal to a certain type of customer. A good brand has to have something that makes it stand out from the crowd.
Take a look at a few company websites; see what they say about themselves and whether that connects with their brand. You need to market your brand and people use strategies like giving free printed mugs and printed carrier bags that carry their logo.
A brand has to be something memorable if you want it to stick in the minds of your clients and keep them coming back. Many people say that it is little things that make them aficionados of a particular brand, swift and pleasant customer service gives you return customers and helps in building your brand.
Over time people come to expect certain things from a brand. You only have to look at how some of Coca Cola's fairly recent innovations have actually deflected from their brand. Customers got something they were not expecting and didn't feel comfortable with. People are loyal to a brand because they associate it with particular things and feel comfortable with it.
Why is Your Brand Important?
Done properly and marketed consistently, your brand says something about you and your company that the clients like. Your brand is important because it affects your sales and position in the market. People associate your brand with either good or bad customer service and with a particular taste, smell or feel. People like what they like, and that includes brand consistency, they like to know what they are getting.
About The Author: Wayne Barker writes for UK Print Price, experts in promotional printed items and promotional gifts.
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Related articles:
Brand Awareness: The Real Purpose Of SEO
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Until my next post on Friday on top content marketing strategies for small business, enjoy the rest of the week!
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Brand Recognition
Most companies and some sole traders hire someone to help them develop a brand. In the first instance a brand is recognisable by its logo, letter head and name. While logo etc is an important part of brand development, they only make sense when they are allied to the real values of a company.
Logos only become memorable and recognisable when a client associates that logo with value, good customer service and consistency. How people feel about your brand when they see it in the shops or in an advertisement is a very important part of brand recognition. Customers view a brand's consistency as its promise of value and in delivering what the client needs.
The look and taste or feel of your brand, not only says something about you and your company, it also says something about the people who use it - why else would advertisements for certain products present the user as famous, stylish or knowledgeable?
Building a Brand
Building a brand takes time, money and hard work. You want your brand to have a good position within its particular field, and the way you do that is to appeal to a certain type of customer. A good brand has to have something that makes it stand out from the crowd.
Take a look at a few company websites; see what they say about themselves and whether that connects with their brand. You need to market your brand and people use strategies like giving free printed mugs and printed carrier bags that carry their logo.
A brand has to be something memorable if you want it to stick in the minds of your clients and keep them coming back. Many people say that it is little things that make them aficionados of a particular brand, swift and pleasant customer service gives you return customers and helps in building your brand.
Over time people come to expect certain things from a brand. You only have to look at how some of Coca Cola's fairly recent innovations have actually deflected from their brand. Customers got something they were not expecting and didn't feel comfortable with. People are loyal to a brand because they associate it with particular things and feel comfortable with it.
Why is Your Brand Important?
Done properly and marketed consistently, your brand says something about you and your company that the clients like. Your brand is important because it affects your sales and position in the market. People associate your brand with either good or bad customer service and with a particular taste, smell or feel. People like what they like, and that includes brand consistency, they like to know what they are getting.
About The Author: Wayne Barker writes for UK Print Price, experts in promotional printed items and promotional gifts.
Did you like this article? Please let Wayne and myself know by leaving us your valued comments.
Would you like to guest post on the blog? Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch if you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
Related articles:
Brand Awareness: The Real Purpose Of SEO
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Until my next post on Friday on top content marketing strategies for small business, enjoy the rest of the week!
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