Running a small business definitely takes a good deal of time and effort. This can mean little time for any other areas of your life, including your family and friends. The good news is that there are ways in which you can reduce the amount of stress you carry, without compromising your business in the process. The following are some good ways to free up some time for other things, which will definitely make you a happier and more balanced business owner.
Stick to your plan and rework it as necessary.
When you first had the idea for your business, you came up with a plan for your funds and other aspects of it. Your life will be a whole lot easier if you refer back to the plan on occasion and reevaluate the decisions that you are making. This will cause you to look objectively at your business and resources and evaluate how well things are working. This can help you to avoid going too far down a path that will not lead you to success.
Hire the right people.
You will need to have people who are responsible and can be trusted, this will allow you some time away from the business to enjoy your personal life. In order to be sure that the people you hire are the right people, have a well thought out screening process. This will need to include the questions that you will want to ask in an interview. If you "wing it" you can often miss out on asking key questions that will show you the candidates true character, values, and thought processes. You may even want to have testing of some sort for the applicants. Many companies use personality profiling and general aptitude tests as a first step in sorting through the applicants that seem promising. For instance, if the position you are hiring for requires manual dexterity and speed, you may want to have a timed test that will measure these skills. It is also a good idea to have a system in place that will allow your customers, if they are in contact with employees, to give you feedback on their experiences. One bad employee can definitely hurt your business. For those that do not come into contact with customers, it is a good idea to have regular performance reviews. This will allow you to identify problems, if any, and also recognize those within your organization who are exceptional employees.
Don't be afraid to get some help from the pros.
Realistically, no one person can do everything, nor will they be efficient at doing everything; however, there are still ways to get things done. There are many needs that your business may have that can be taken care of by a professional or business that specializes in doing just what you need. Some of the services that you may want to consider are:
All of these services are available to your business, so don't be afraid to take advantage of them. These businesses often consist of highly trained professionals who will be likely more knowledgeable than you are on their area of specialty. This can mean many things for you, such as, money savings in the long term, you will be able to avoid any taxation issues that can arise from mistakes, you can avoid costly lawsuits that may arise from the mistreatment of an employee or safety in the workplace, and of course you will get some time for the people and things in life that are important to you. When you consider the costs for these services, which vary, what you will gain is far more valuable.
Did you find this article helpful? Do you have any tips to share? Please let me know/share them in the comments section below.
For more business tips, use this link:
This article is sponsored by: Arnold McClellan, an Accounting Professional and Philanthropist. You can visit his blog here and learn more about him in this post.
If you found this or any of my other posts helpful, don't forget to share the posts to your favourite networks using the toolbar below or by using the "+1" and "Share" buttons located at the bottom of each post.
As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
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Until my next post on Friday on business proposals: planning for the long term, enjoy the rest of the week! See you back here on Friday!
© 2013. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.
Stick to your plan and rework it as necessary.
When you first had the idea for your business, you came up with a plan for your funds and other aspects of it. Your life will be a whole lot easier if you refer back to the plan on occasion and reevaluate the decisions that you are making. This will cause you to look objectively at your business and resources and evaluate how well things are working. This can help you to avoid going too far down a path that will not lead you to success.
Hire the right people.
You will need to have people who are responsible and can be trusted, this will allow you some time away from the business to enjoy your personal life. In order to be sure that the people you hire are the right people, have a well thought out screening process. This will need to include the questions that you will want to ask in an interview. If you "wing it" you can often miss out on asking key questions that will show you the candidates true character, values, and thought processes. You may even want to have testing of some sort for the applicants. Many companies use personality profiling and general aptitude tests as a first step in sorting through the applicants that seem promising. For instance, if the position you are hiring for requires manual dexterity and speed, you may want to have a timed test that will measure these skills. It is also a good idea to have a system in place that will allow your customers, if they are in contact with employees, to give you feedback on their experiences. One bad employee can definitely hurt your business. For those that do not come into contact with customers, it is a good idea to have regular performance reviews. This will allow you to identify problems, if any, and also recognize those within your organization who are exceptional employees.
Don't be afraid to get some help from the pros.
Realistically, no one person can do everything, nor will they be efficient at doing everything; however, there are still ways to get things done. There are many needs that your business may have that can be taken care of by a professional or business that specializes in doing just what you need. Some of the services that you may want to consider are:
- Bookkeeper
- Payroll specialists
- Telephone answering service
- Marketing professionals
- Hiring agency
All of these services are available to your business, so don't be afraid to take advantage of them. These businesses often consist of highly trained professionals who will be likely more knowledgeable than you are on their area of specialty. This can mean many things for you, such as, money savings in the long term, you will be able to avoid any taxation issues that can arise from mistakes, you can avoid costly lawsuits that may arise from the mistreatment of an employee or safety in the workplace, and of course you will get some time for the people and things in life that are important to you. When you consider the costs for these services, which vary, what you will gain is far more valuable.
Did you find this article helpful? Do you have any tips to share? Please let me know/share them in the comments section below.
For more business tips, use this link:
This article is sponsored by: Arnold McClellan, an Accounting Professional and Philanthropist. You can visit his blog here and learn more about him in this post.
If you found this or any of my other posts helpful, don't forget to share the posts to your favourite networks using the toolbar below or by using the "+1" and "Share" buttons located at the bottom of each post.
As ever, if you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, don't forget to follow via Google Friend Connect (button on sidebar), on NetworkedBlogs, via Email (maximum of one email per day), on Facebook and Google+ or by subscribing to our blog feed at:
You can also follow me on Twitter @djones1509, Google+ and on Facebook at:
Until my next post on Friday on business proposals: planning for the long term, enjoy the rest of the week! See you back here on Friday!
© 2013. This article is DMCA protected. Republication is prohibited.
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