
Derek Jones
Thank you for visiting Derek's Home and Business Blog.

My name is Derek Jones and I have been an avid blogger for over twenty years writing articles on a wide variety of topics from business and marketing to technology.

As a blogger, I always appreciate feedback from my readers, so if you would like to contact me with your feedback, guest post or submit an article for review for inclusion on the blog, require a product/service review, want to advertise your products and/or services or have any questions, please feel free to or message me via Facebook or X/Twitter and now Bluesky (Note: Due to a busy schedule, please allow 3-5 business days for a reply).

For further information about guest posting, article submissions, product/service reviews or advertising on the blog, please see the Guest Posting, Product/Service Reviews and Advertising sections below.

Achievements and Awards

Derek's Home and Business Blog has been featured on, spotlighted on Cision and been awarded the Featured Business Resource Award by ChooseWhat.

ChooseWhat are a business located in Austin, TX that provides comparisons and reviews of services that help small companies save money and operate more efficiently. The Featured Business Resource Award is an initiative by ChooseWhat that recognises and honours the most exceptional business resources.

This award, which is viewable on the sidebar, not only distinguishes my blog as a "Featured Business Resource", but also distinguishes it as a go-to source for information regarding entrepreneurship and business-related topics.

Bloggers Network

If you're a blog owner, I've setup a Facebook group for bloggers called the Bloggers Network. The Bloggers Network is a group for bloggers to network with each other. Advertise your blog, post your latest blog posts, plus discuss anything to do with blogging. You can access the group by visiting:

I've also setup a Facebook page to compliment the group. You can access this page by visiting:

You can also access the group and page by using the following custom links: (Group) (Page)

Please note: With the recent shutdown of Google+ for consumers and brands, the Bloggers Network community (in which we had over 50,000 members) is sadly no longer available. If you were a member of the community, please consider joining our Facebook group if you haven't already. This was a big loss, not only for the BN community, but for everyone who used this social media platform as an alternative to Facebook. Google+ will be missed, that's for sure!

Mirage Business Network

If you're a small business owner or affiliate marketer, I've created a new Facebook page called the Mirage Business Network. The Mirage Business Network is a page for business owners and affiliate marketers to network with each other. Advertise your business, post your latest offers, plus discuss anything to do with business. You can access the new page by visiting:

Guest Posting and Article Submissions

I'm always on the lookout for high quality, informative articles to offer my readers. If you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM), I would like to hear from you. Please use the contact options above to get in touch.

For more information about guest posting, article submissions and to view our guidelines, please click on the "Write For Us" tab above.


Although based in the UK, Derek's Home and Business Blog receives traffic from and promotes to a global audience. If you are an advertising agency, business or an individual interested in advertising your products and/or services on the blog, please don't hesitate to contact me using the contact options above.

For more information about advertising on the blog and to download the price list, please click on the "Advertise" tab above.

Product and Service Reviews

With running a business blog, I am often contacted by companies and individuals who ask me to review their new business products and services. Being able to review these new products and services and to give my feedback is always a privilege which in return, helps the company or individual to improve their products/services for the consumer. If you are a company or individual and would like me to review your new business product or service, please don't hesitate to contact me using the contact options above.

Copyright Notice

All articles published on Derek's Home and Business Blog (DHBB) are copyrighted and protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). No article on this blog can be republished without express permission from myself or from their respectful owners. Any article found to be republished without express permission will be immediately reported with requests submitted for their removal from the site. Failure to comply with this removal request will result in further action being taken. Where permission is granted, the article(s) must remain unaltered, in its entirety and if applicable, with the authors bio intact. Guest posts and articles submitted exclusively for and published on Derek's Home and Business Blog cannot be republished.


On occasions, I am provided a free product or service in return for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed within the review are my own and not influenced by the developing company, and/or its affiliates, in any way.

Some articles on the blog may contain affiliate links, which means I will get a commission if you decide to make a purchase using those links. I only recommend products and services which I use myself and any commissions earned are used for the maintenance of this blog and to offer free services to my visitors.

Getting Connected

If you want to stay up to date with the latest blog posts, you can follow on Facebook, via Email or by subscribing to our blog feed.

You can also follow me on X/Twitter @djones1509, on Bluesky and on Facebook at:

Other ways to follow/connect:
LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Threads and Quora.

Thank you for your support.

Derek Jones
Derek's Home and Business Blog
An award-winning business and marketing blog

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