Thank you for your interest in writing for Derek's Home and Business Blog.
I'm always on the lookout for high quality, informative articles to offer my readers. If you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM), I would like to hear from you. Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch.
To ensure that your article meets all of the requirements, please take a few minutes to read the following information and guidelines (Note: This page is currently under review and the information contained within it may change without notice):
Guest Posting and Article Submissions
To ensure you have full recognition for your work, each published article or guest post will be featured and include two links to your website or blog; one in the lead-in sentence (used to introduce you) at the beginning of the article/post and the other at the end of the article/post within the author's bio. You can also promote your social network profiles (maximum of one link) by including your Facebook or Twitter profile links within the bio section. As most of our guest authors do not require a lead-in sentence, the two links will be included within the author's bio.
Please note: Being featured by way of a lead-in sentence and the inclusion of social network profile links within the author's bio are reserved for personal (non-commercial) articles only. If you are a medium-sized or large business, marketing agency or are writing and submitting an article on behalf of a client for example (commercial), your article (once accepted) will be published as a regular blog post with one link within the author's bio. If you require more links within the article, please contact me using the Contact tab above to discuss options. Articles or guest posts on network/multi-level marketing, work from home or financial topics such as insurance, business loans, business credit cards or credit card processing for example (including links within the author's bio to websites offering these services) will not be accepted. To avoid your article or guest post being rejected, please see "Unsupported Topics" below for a full list of topics that are not accepted.
When submitting articles or guest posts for review, please ensure that they are within the subject matter of the blog (see topics above) and to avoid your site being penalised by Google, that the links within the author's bio are natural. Examples of natural links include main keyword, business/blog name, website address and click here. To comply with Google's quality guidelines, links which appear unnatural will be amended or a "NoFollow" attribute being applied. When creating inbound links to your site, always remember that (a) you should always incorporate varying anchor text using the examples above so that your links appear as natural as possible and (b) it is not only the number of links you have pointing to your site that matters, but also the quality and relevance of those links. Given Google's recent stance on guest posting, the quality of your article or guest post and the links contained within them are more important than ever.
When guest posting or submitting articles for review, please ensure that the articles or posts are original and written by you, contain a minimum of 1,000 words (excluding Title and Bio), are of high quality and contain no affiliate links or promotional content. Once your article or post has been accepted and published on the blog, it cannot be re-posted or published elsewhere (see Copyright Notice). When guest posting, you are responsible in answering any comments or questions my readers may submit once your post is published. Failure to reply to comments or questions may result in the links pointing to your website or blog being permanently removed. To ensure quality for my readers and to prevent duplicate or spun content, all guest posts and articles must undergo a review and a Copyscape Premium copyright/plagiarism check before being published on the blog.
Once your article or guest post has been published on the blog and in addition to my own promotional efforts, don't forget to promote the link to the article or guest post across the various social networks and other media to help generate extra awareness and readership for your article/post. When promoting your article or guest post, please ensure that you promote responsibly and if using email for example, that you do not spam and that you have permission from the recipient to send them such content.
Due to the high volume of article submissions and guest posting requests, there is a delay of approximately two to three weeks from accepting your article/guest post to when it will be published on the blog. If you would like to expedite your article/guest post publishing date, please contact me using the Contact tab above to discuss schedule options and pricing. Articles and guest posts that are expedited are usually published on the blog within three business days after payment is received. Prices for the expedite option start from as little as $15/£10 for personal and $25/£15 for commercial articles/guest posts payable through PayPal. Sorry, the expedite option is not available for BLU members who have replied to my request for guest posts.
Response Time
I always aim to respond to all article submissions and guest posting requests within a twenty-four hour period. However, there could be a delay in this response time due to high volume of requests, weekends and national holidays and other commitments. Therefore, when submitting articles or guest posting requests, please allow 3-5 business days for a reply. If your article/guest post is time-sensitive (latest social media or search engine news for example), please include the word "PRIORITY" within the subject of your email. If you are interested in the expedite option (see "Schedule" above), please include the word "EXPEDITE" within the subject of your email and I will forward you the necessary details (schedule options and pricing) once your article/guest post has been accepted. Although I reply and publish on a first-come basis, articles and guest posts that are time-sensitive or expedited will be prioritised.
When submitting articles or guest posts for review, please send them as an email attachment in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or text format. Alternatively, you can include your article/guest post within the body of an email. As I format all articles and guest posts to suit my blog, I kindly ask that you do NOT include any HTML code (apart from links) or send them as a HTML file. When supplying images, please ensure they have a minimum width of 800 pixels and are not copyright protected.
Unsupported Topics
Although I accept most articles and guest posts that fit within the subject matter of the blog, articles or guest posts on the following topics (including links within the author's bio to websites offering these services) will not be accepted: Network/multi-level marketing, work from home or financial topics such as insurance, business loans, business credit cards or credit card processing for example. As the blog caters more for readers with small online businesses, articles or guest posts on the following business and marketing topics are also not accepted: Employee relations/recognition, payroll, bankruptcy or loss mitigation, time or records management, home or business office management (such as office space, furniture/refurbishment, relocation, security) and some offline marketing topics (such as banner stands, decals, vehicle advertising). If you are unsure whether or not your topic is suitable for publication on the blog, please contact me using the Contact tab above with the suggested topic.
I take great pride in my blog and the quality of the posts that I provide for my readers. Therefore, proper etiquette should be followed to ensure that your article or guest post meets my requirements. For instance, if this is the first time that you have visited my blog, one of the best ways to increase the chances of your article or guest post being accepted and published is to explore my blog and the type of content it provides. Make sure that you do your research on the topic you are writing about and proofread your article/guest post for errors before sending it to me for review. There is nothing more frustrating than receiving articles and guest posts that have incorrect information, are thin on content or contain grammar and spelling errors. Remember, it's not all about getting a free link to your website or blog, it's about producing relevant, high quality and informative content that my readers will enjoy. By submitting a great article or guest post, you could be asked to become a regular contributor to my blog!
Final Note
When submitting articles for review, please ensure they are exclusively for my blog. This means do NOT submit an article to me and then continue to submit it to another site (or vice versa) in the hope to get it published as soon as possible. The amount of occasions that I have reviewed and accepted an article for publication only to be told by the author (or to find out via a pre-publish Copyscape Premium check) that it has now been published on another site. By submitting your article to multiple sites, you risk being excluded resulting in future articles being automatically rejected. Also and with receiving many emails that contain such content, please do NOT send template emails or emails saying that you can supply me articles "free of cost", "free of charge" or words to that effect. Of course your articles should be free of charge as you are getting a free link (not to mention recognition) for your trouble. Remember, you do not need to sell yourself; the high quality articles that you submit will do that for you!
Thank you once again for your interest in writing for Derek's Home and Business Blog and I look forward to hearing from you.
Derek Jones
Derek's Home and Business Blog
An award-winning business and marketing blog
I'm always on the lookout for high quality, informative articles to offer my readers. If you write business-related articles or articles on the topics of Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Social Media Marketing/Optimisation (SMO), Blogging, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or Search Engine Marketing (SEM), I would like to hear from you. Please use the Contact tab above to get in touch.
To ensure that your article meets all of the requirements, please take a few minutes to read the following information and guidelines (Note: This page is currently under review and the information contained within it may change without notice):
Guest Posting and Article Submissions
To ensure you have full recognition for your work, each published article or guest post will be featured and include two links to your website or blog; one in the lead-in sentence (used to introduce you) at the beginning of the article/post and the other at the end of the article/post within the author's bio. You can also promote your social network profiles (maximum of one link) by including your Facebook or Twitter profile links within the bio section. As most of our guest authors do not require a lead-in sentence, the two links will be included within the author's bio.
Please note: Being featured by way of a lead-in sentence and the inclusion of social network profile links within the author's bio are reserved for personal (non-commercial) articles only. If you are a medium-sized or large business, marketing agency or are writing and submitting an article on behalf of a client for example (commercial), your article (once accepted) will be published as a regular blog post with one link within the author's bio. If you require more links within the article, please contact me using the Contact tab above to discuss options. Articles or guest posts on network/multi-level marketing, work from home or financial topics such as insurance, business loans, business credit cards or credit card processing for example (including links within the author's bio to websites offering these services) will not be accepted. To avoid your article or guest post being rejected, please see "Unsupported Topics" below for a full list of topics that are not accepted.
When submitting articles or guest posts for review, please ensure that they are within the subject matter of the blog (see topics above) and to avoid your site being penalised by Google, that the links within the author's bio are natural. Examples of natural links include main keyword, business/blog name, website address and click here. To comply with Google's quality guidelines, links which appear unnatural will be amended or a "NoFollow" attribute being applied. When creating inbound links to your site, always remember that (a) you should always incorporate varying anchor text using the examples above so that your links appear as natural as possible and (b) it is not only the number of links you have pointing to your site that matters, but also the quality and relevance of those links. Given Google's recent stance on guest posting, the quality of your article or guest post and the links contained within them are more important than ever.
When guest posting or submitting articles for review, please ensure that the articles or posts are original and written by you, contain a minimum of 1,000 words (excluding Title and Bio), are of high quality and contain no affiliate links or promotional content. Once your article or post has been accepted and published on the blog, it cannot be re-posted or published elsewhere (see Copyright Notice). When guest posting, you are responsible in answering any comments or questions my readers may submit once your post is published. Failure to reply to comments or questions may result in the links pointing to your website or blog being permanently removed. To ensure quality for my readers and to prevent duplicate or spun content, all guest posts and articles must undergo a review and a Copyscape Premium copyright/plagiarism check before being published on the blog.
Once your article or guest post has been published on the blog and in addition to my own promotional efforts, don't forget to promote the link to the article or guest post across the various social networks and other media to help generate extra awareness and readership for your article/post. When promoting your article or guest post, please ensure that you promote responsibly and if using email for example, that you do not spam and that you have permission from the recipient to send them such content.
Due to the high volume of article submissions and guest posting requests, there is a delay of approximately two to three weeks from accepting your article/guest post to when it will be published on the blog. If you would like to expedite your article/guest post publishing date, please contact me using the Contact tab above to discuss schedule options and pricing. Articles and guest posts that are expedited are usually published on the blog within three business days after payment is received. Prices for the expedite option start from as little as $15/£10 for personal and $25/£15 for commercial articles/guest posts payable through PayPal. Sorry, the expedite option is not available for BLU members who have replied to my request for guest posts.
Response Time
I always aim to respond to all article submissions and guest posting requests within a twenty-four hour period. However, there could be a delay in this response time due to high volume of requests, weekends and national holidays and other commitments. Therefore, when submitting articles or guest posting requests, please allow 3-5 business days for a reply. If your article/guest post is time-sensitive (latest social media or search engine news for example), please include the word "PRIORITY" within the subject of your email. If you are interested in the expedite option (see "Schedule" above), please include the word "EXPEDITE" within the subject of your email and I will forward you the necessary details (schedule options and pricing) once your article/guest post has been accepted. Although I reply and publish on a first-come basis, articles and guest posts that are time-sensitive or expedited will be prioritised.
When submitting articles or guest posts for review, please send them as an email attachment in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or text format. Alternatively, you can include your article/guest post within the body of an email. As I format all articles and guest posts to suit my blog, I kindly ask that you do NOT include any HTML code (apart from links) or send them as a HTML file. When supplying images, please ensure they have a minimum width of 800 pixels and are not copyright protected.
Unsupported Topics
Although I accept most articles and guest posts that fit within the subject matter of the blog, articles or guest posts on the following topics (including links within the author's bio to websites offering these services) will not be accepted: Network/multi-level marketing, work from home or financial topics such as insurance, business loans, business credit cards or credit card processing for example. As the blog caters more for readers with small online businesses, articles or guest posts on the following business and marketing topics are also not accepted: Employee relations/recognition, payroll, bankruptcy or loss mitigation, time or records management, home or business office management (such as office space, furniture/refurbishment, relocation, security) and some offline marketing topics (such as banner stands, decals, vehicle advertising). If you are unsure whether or not your topic is suitable for publication on the blog, please contact me using the Contact tab above with the suggested topic.
I take great pride in my blog and the quality of the posts that I provide for my readers. Therefore, proper etiquette should be followed to ensure that your article or guest post meets my requirements. For instance, if this is the first time that you have visited my blog, one of the best ways to increase the chances of your article or guest post being accepted and published is to explore my blog and the type of content it provides. Make sure that you do your research on the topic you are writing about and proofread your article/guest post for errors before sending it to me for review. There is nothing more frustrating than receiving articles and guest posts that have incorrect information, are thin on content or contain grammar and spelling errors. Remember, it's not all about getting a free link to your website or blog, it's about producing relevant, high quality and informative content that my readers will enjoy. By submitting a great article or guest post, you could be asked to become a regular contributor to my blog!
Final Note
When submitting articles for review, please ensure they are exclusively for my blog. This means do NOT submit an article to me and then continue to submit it to another site (or vice versa) in the hope to get it published as soon as possible. The amount of occasions that I have reviewed and accepted an article for publication only to be told by the author (or to find out via a pre-publish Copyscape Premium check) that it has now been published on another site. By submitting your article to multiple sites, you risk being excluded resulting in future articles being automatically rejected. Also and with receiving many emails that contain such content, please do NOT send template emails or emails saying that you can supply me articles "free of cost", "free of charge" or words to that effect. Of course your articles should be free of charge as you are getting a free link (not to mention recognition) for your trouble. Remember, you do not need to sell yourself; the high quality articles that you submit will do that for you!
Thank you once again for your interest in writing for Derek's Home and Business Blog and I look forward to hearing from you.
Derek Jones
Derek's Home and Business Blog
An award-winning business and marketing blog
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